Friday, October 4, 2013

Media Lapdog Syndrome Strikes Again

I suppose you can say that the moment I lost my youthful innocence was the day that Jack Patera, the Seattle Seahawks first coach, was fired.  We immediately learned from the sports reporters that they had never liked Jack.

Oh really.  This was the guy that these reporters had been interviewing on the pre-game and post-game and in-between and goodness-knows-what show and we all thought he was their best buddy.

And all along these intrepid reporters were just being regular media lapdogs.  Do the Seattle Seahawks need the media more than the media needs the Seahawks?  Who knows?

What we do know is that the self-serving nonsense about comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable is just that.  What the media really do is take kicks from the powerful and apply kicks to the powerless.

So now we learn that the proposed biopics about the saintly Hillary Clinton have run into a problem.  Nobody is willing to talk to the movie producers.  The word has gone out from Clinton HQ and everyone that knows what is good for them has clammed up.

What we really know about the media is that if they aren't dishing the dirt on some political figure it is because they are too powerful.  Nice little career you got going here.  Pity if something happened to it.  Pity if nobody who was anybody refused to talk to you.  Because what use to a journalist is anybody who is really nobody?

My theory about the Obama years is that the media adulation is not just knee-jerk terminal liberalism.  The bottom line is that the enforcers are out there and they will quickly remind any journalist what it would cost to go public on the Obamis.  In other words, the media is afraid, and rightly so,  because any single media personality is expendable.  In a minute.

Hey.  No biggie.  But the fact of the lapdog media is just another argument for limited government.  If the media won't expose wrongdoing because it's afraid, and won't write inconvenient truths about existing powerful political figures, then there is one thing to learn.  The political figures are too powerful.

How do you reduce the power of political figures?  You reduce the power of government, the power of government to come down like a ton of bricks on anyone for any reason.

What was it that Conrad Black did that sent him to jail?  Apart from the fact that a Chicago US Attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald, wanted to make a name for himself.  Here's Ben Stein wondering what his friend, a financial planner, did that got the SEC after him.  That's the SEC that failed to stop the Crash of 2008.  And why not?  Because the drivers of the crash, "affordable" home mortgages, were supported by the most powerful people in the land.  And don't get me started about Bernie Madoff.

Maybe there's a silver lining to this black cloud.  Maybe the rise of the blogosphere means that there is more likely to be some naive fool out there that will publish the dirt about some powerful person before he realizes that he is fishing in deep waters and that he will regret his rashness for the rest of his life.

1 comment:

  1. so? what about jack patera?
    finish your argument Mr. Media
