Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It Ain't WikiLeaks' Fault

It's great fun to run around accusing Julian Assange of espionage or, better still, of failing to use condoms. After all, that's what politicians do when they are not actually running for election. They run around accusing other people of the most frightful crimes and misdemeanors even as the government totally screws up everything it does.

Now, admittedly, failing to use a condom is one of the worst crimes in the liberal calendar.

But hey fellas, if you chaps in the State Department don't want everyone reading your cables for breakfast then you need to apply proper security precautions.

State Department cables are exchanged on SIPRNet, apparently. And about 3 million people have access. No problem, chaps. But clearly, it should be impossible for anyone to get their hands on 150,000 cables as WikiLeaks has done. How hard is this?

Now, admittedly, it was great fun to leak everything in sight when the media were busy embarrassing the hated Bush administration back in the 2000s. And it was only right to hit Vice-President Cheney in the keister. The liberal renegades in the State Department and their bribed apologists in the media were delighted to see the Bushies embarrassed. But didn't they think about the moment when some chap like Julian Assange would take advantage of the opportunity to embarrass a Democratic administration. For chaps like that, noble Democrats aren't much different from eevil Republicans. It's not unprecedented. Back in the 1940s we had Commie physicists getting their hands on US nuclear secrets and handing them over to Uncle Joe Stalin. Hello? Was anyone home back then?

What we don't want to do is make Julian Assange into a martyr like the sainted Rosenbergs. Prosecuting the Rosenbergs turned into a political bonanza for liberals and lefties, and they postured and pretended for years that the Rosenbergs were as innocent as fresh-laid snow and victims of eevil McCarthyism.

No. What we need is for a few heads to roll at the State Department and a few dozen inter-agency committees devising new methods of limiting access to State Department cables. Also, I dare say it wouldn't hurt to trigger an alarm when anyone starts trying to assemble a whole bunch of cables all at once. After all, who needs to set up their own private vault of State Department cables?

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